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Hello from the Hebrides of Scotland. My name is Tamzin Macdonald and five years ago I embarked on a 2 year Jewellery and Silversmithing course at the University of the Highlands and Islands. Without realising it, it was to gift me a creative outlet for the inspiring sights that surround me every day in my Island home. We live in a particularly beautiful and unique place here in the Hebrides. The Lewisian gneisses represent the oldest rocks in Britain and date back to around 3000 million years ago and our Machair is one of the rarest habitats in the world (Machair is a Gaelic word meaning fertile low lying grassy plain). With temperatures mild enough to grow palms, colour the sea magnificent shades of azure and the sand white, alongside the wind and rain that keep the hills and mountains rugged and covered in heather, the peatlands full of life, and lochs full as far as the eye can see, inspiration is abound. Home to deer, otters, sea eagles, whales, sheep and Highland cattle, it really is a truly majestic environment with a history that stretches back for millennia. And so it is that I try to interpret all of that history, beauty, colour, texture, and life into my pieces of jewellery. All made by hand, by me at my bench, at home. All individual, all unique, just like the very fabric of these Islands.

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